Hi, my name is Eric.
A House Full of Wizard-Shaped Holes
Fixing my Sony WH-1000XM3s by sticking some sponge in there
Endless Shrimp Jesus
Okay, Color Spaces
Sizes="auto" pretty much requires width and height attributes
The Maintenance Race (and me)
View Transitions Break Incremental Rendering
WebDriving Experimental Features
Responsive Images on the Apple Watch
Seven Lakes
En Zed: Silver Fern
En Zed: Red Peak
En Zed: Blue Ensign
Belize Please
Fall, Wheel
Slow Coast
The worst camping trip I ever went on
Keep ’em Separated
Burn Hut
Elliott + Meridith
Red Desert
Srcset and sizes
Bucky D. “King” Fivel-Hook-Presley IV
Resolution-Progressive Jpeg 2000 Performance
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